
Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition

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749 kr

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Twilight Struggle är ett strategiskt tvåspelarspel som simulerar den spännande och grymma konflikten mellan Sovjetunionen och USA under kalla kriget. 

Genom att använda sig av den kortdrivna spelmekaniken från prisbelönade spel som "Vi Folket" och "Hannibal: Rom vs. Karthago", återskapar Twilight Struggle dramatiken och beslutsfattandet i kalla krigets värld. Spelet omfattar hela världen som den såg ut 1945 och spelarna konkurrerar om att vinna allierade och kontrollera regioner för sin supermakt.

Denna deluxe-utgåva av Twilight Struggle kombinerar högkvalitativa komponenter med GMT's kända förstklassiga spelupplevelse. Händelsekorten i spelet inkluderar viktiga historiska händelser så som Berlinmurens fall till Vietnamkriget och den amerikanska fredsrörelsen, och utmanar spelarna att ta svåra beslut och optimalt använda sina resurser.

Den 9 november 2009 firade världen 20-årsjubileet av kalla krigets slutskede. Det var dagen då kalla krigets mest symboliska landmärke, Berlinmuren, försvann från världens scen. Kalla kriget tog inte slut i en explosion av neutroner som många hade fruktat, utan i en explosion av mänsklig frihet och optimism. Plötsligt öppnades möjligheter och hopp för en förändrad framtid i Europa.

Nu är det dags för dig att ta del i den här dramatiska tiden i historien. Kommer du skriva om historien och forma framtiden i Twilight Struggle?

Tillverkarens text

On November 9th of 2009, the world marked the 20th Anniversary of the conclusion of the Cold War. That was the day that the Cold War's most tangible symbol -- the Berlin Wall -- was relegated to the ash heap of history. Unlike the 20th Century's other great conflict, the Cold War did not end in an explosion of neutrons, but rather, an explosion of human freedom and optimism. We had avoided what many thought inevitable -- the destruction of mankind through armed conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. Overnight, the face of Europe had changed. Suddenly, all things were possible.

That was now 23 years ago. Sadly, we all learned that the end of the Cold War was not "the end of history." Mankind would find new ways to divide itself. While the threat of nuclear holocaust disappeared, newer and more sinister forms of conflict would take its place. Where once superpowers bestrode the globe, decentralized networks and even individuals now command the world's attention.


This Deluxe Edition of Twilight Struggle seeks to capture the feeling of that earlier era. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the forty-five year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the Soviet Union and the United States. Using the card-driven game mechanics pioneered in such award winning games as We the People and Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, Twilight Struggle recreates the conflict between the most powerful nation states the world has ever known. The scope of the game covers the entire world as it was found in 1945. Players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower. As with GMT's other card-driven games, decision-making is a challenge; how to best use one's cards and units given consistently limited resources? Twilight Struggle's Event cards add cover a vast array of historical happenings, from the Berlin Airlift, to the Vietnam War and the U.S. peace movement, to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

This Deluxe Edition of Twilight Struggle marries world-class components, with the sort of world-class game play for which GMT is already known. We cannot think of a better way to commemorate this vital piece of world history. We invite you to relieve an era with the words uttered by one of its most iconic statesmen:

"Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle" - John F. Kennedy

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Avdelningar Brädspel
Genres Strategi, Historiska spel, Konfliktspel
Speltyp Grundspel
Tillverkare GMT Games
Språk Engelska
Sektioner Spel för två, Historiska Teman, Personalen Tipsar